Christianity has always emphasized preaching the gospel to the world and why not, as the bible tells in Mark 16:15, ‘And He said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature’

Historically this has been achieved by sending missionaries.  Later the invention of printing press allowed for distribution of bibles and tracts.  The rapid uptake of radio provided a powerful tool in spreading the gospel, thus enabling reaching vast majority at relatively low costs.  With the advent of television in 1930s and subsequent advancements in TV broadcasting, television also gained popularity for the spread of good news.

It was the passion of Pastor Rangaraju to teach the importance of deeper life experiences, encourage believers to face challenges in a godly and biblically way.

In 2004, God gave an opportunity to spread the gospel in local television ‘Citi Cable’.  After a great struggle, God opened doors in national channels through which good news reached many nations.

The TV ministry was titled ‘Sajeeva Swaram’.  This when translated to English means ‘The Living Word’ Many lives are being revived, renewed, equipped and strengthened through this ministry.  Pastor Rangaraju is now a well know T V speaker to many Christians.  ‘Sajeeva Swaram’ was broadcast in ‘Subhavartha’ Channel during prime time.

This television ministry played a valuable and vital role in church planting in Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka.  Today in the city of Bangalore, NJHM is the outcome of television ministry.  The church planted in Bangalore was born out of the fervent prayer and faithful preaching of the word of god on the 22nd November 2009.  The initial congregation were viewers of the program ‘Sajeeva Swaram’.  The present congregants gather for worship, fellowship, discipleship and stewardship at New Jerusalem Church situated at Hennur, Bangalore.