Church Planting
The subsequent locations around Hindupur, Andhra Pradesh, India, originated from modest beginnings and are overseen by local pastors, guided under the leadership of NJHM Founder and Director Bishop Dr.V. Rangaraju.

Establishing a church in this location posed significant challenges. Despite facing opposition from hostile elements, encountering diabolical adversaries, and the fear of reprisals, the assurance from Christ, ‘I will build my church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it’ (Matthew 16:18), served as a source of motivation and encouragement to plant the church in this challenging environment. Commencing with two families in 2005, a church building was officially inaugurated on 21st February 2013. Pastor Giri currently oversees the congregation.

The inception of this fellowship emerged from a prayer walk led by Bishop Rangaraju and Pastor Luwal from the Republic of Sudan. Given its status as a silk business village filled with weavers and merchants of silk sarees, there was initial resistance to the gospel message. However, through dedicated prayer, proclamation, and impactful encounters, another triumph for the kingdom of God was achieved. The congregation gathers in a rented hall for worship, witnessing, and spiritual guidance, overseen by Brother Murali and Brother Peter.

The church in this village, established in 2015, is under the pastoral care of Pastor Prasad.

P. Narasapuram
The church in this village, established in 2016, is under the pastoral care of Pastor Sudheer.

The church in this village, established in 2010, is under the pastoral leadership of Pastor Giri.

The church in this village, established in 2017, is under the pastoral guidance of Pastor Giri.